10 Interesting Information on the History of Kadıköy

10 Interesting Information on the History of Kadıköy

Interesting information about the history of Kadikoy: The land of the blind Kadikoy

Chalcedon that is today's name Kadikoy was a city founded by the Phoenicians. The purpose of this city was to provide access to colonies in the Black Sea. After a while, it grew up to what is now known as Izmit and became a country. According to a legend, in 658 BC Bizas, the Megara King, went on a new quest. In search of it, he went to the Temple of Delf and received the opinion of the oracles. And the priest said unto him, The places across the land of the blind shall be your homeland. King Bizas has long sought this place. He came to Sarayburnu and was quite impressed. He looked at the Chalcedonians on the other side and said that they were blind. Because King Bizas described the place, he discovered as conducive to building a city and called it the blindness of the Chalcedonians to establish a town that was not conducive to building a city. Recalling the word of the priest, he thought that this was the place across the land of the blind.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: Hacı Han eating only the yoghurt

The 18th century, an exciting event took place in Kadikoy Fenerbahce. In 1741, a feast was given to the ambassador of the Iranian shah and his subordinates. But throughout the meal, Hacı Han's face was grim. We ate just yoghurt throughout the pilgrim inn meal. After a while, it became clear what the situation was. When the envoy came to Fenerbahce in a manner contrary to the protocol rules of the Ottomans, he walked from the right side of the head chief. Hacı Khan, only dissatisfied with this situation, ate only yoghurt.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: Hasan Paşa, who was beheaded

Fenerbahce Park was one of the corners of heaven as it is now. Sultan III. One of Ahmet's dome viziers, Firari Seyid Hasan Pasha, was shot in the head of a lighthouse at the end of the park. Cut head III. He was shown to Ahmet and thrown into the sea from Sarayburnu. The body of Hasan Pasha was left in the sea in Fenerbahce.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: District for sale Hasanpaşa

Nowadays, students are concentrated in the 17th-century Hasanpaşa, one of the palace aghas, the Egyptian Osman Agha's property. The land was given to Hüsamettin Aga, the doorman of Abdulmecit in the 19th century. It was then sold piece by piece to the public.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: The unknown story of the bull statue

The bull statue that we all know in Kadıköy was made in 1864 by Izidor Bonhevr in Paris. The purpose of the sculpture was to show the French power to the Germans. But the Germans defeated the French, and the statue was brought to Germany. Later, as a result of the Ottoman Empire's struggle against the British and French in the First World War, it was presented to Enver Pasha by the German King. The statue was primarily in Kadıköy but was later taken to Beylerbeyi. From there, he visited places such as Yıldız Palace, Bilezikçi Farm, Gazi Ahmet Muhtar Paşa Pavilion, Marble Pavilion, Lütfi Kırdar Sports Palace and Kadıköy District Governorate Building. In 1987, he was taken to Altıyol junction.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: The match factory on Bağdat Street

By the 19th century, it was planned to establish a match factory in Çiftehavuzlar region. There were farmlands, vineyards and mansions in this area. But the match factory remained only in thought. Because the match factory was thought to harm the region was made to Küçükcekmece.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: Why Suadiye?

We all know Suadiye, what about her story? Resat Pasha was one of the important statesmen of the period. He named his daughter, Suad and wanted to create a structure because he loved his daughter. In 1905, he built a mosque between Caddebostan and Bostancı. The name of this mosque was Suadiye Mosque. Of course, after a while, the mosque gave its name to the neighbourhood.


Interesting information on the history of Kadıköy: 381 kinds of animals in the palace

Sultan Abdulaziz adored painting and sculpture. He especially loved animals. Abdulaziz was especially fond of the lion and this knowledge circulated from language to language. Because of this love, 381 animals were fed to Beylerbeyi Palace for a period.


Interesting information about the history of Kadıköy: Pastor's Meadow aka Papazın Çayırı

The area where Fenerbahçe Stadium is located is Zühtüpaşa Neighborhood. In ancient times, the part of the Kalamış coast was the land of Zühtü Pasha. And at that time it was pretty deserted. At that time this area was called "Pastor's Meadow". The region was named after the priest Andon Asunyan, who was born in 1809.


Interesting facts about the history of Kadıköy: Wild pigs in Kızıltoprak

Now many of us know what Kiziltoprak is like. Here we are going to a time that has nothing to do with! 1920-1930s. At that time, hunters in this region were hunting wild pigs in empty meadows.


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