- Elite World Hotels & Resorts

Sustainability Policy
- We are embarking on a long journey to minimize the negative impact of tourism on society and the planet, and to help turn it around for the better. With this in mind, we aim to integrate with our communities and participate in solving social problems through activities such as waste management, use of natural resources, employee training on health, safety and child protection issues, and recognition of equal rights, thus contributing to sustainable tourism.
- We recognize that the efficient use and effective management of natural resources is critical to ensuring the sustainability of tourism. With our sustainability practices, we aim to be a role model for other organizations in the hotel industry at the local level.
- Our goal is to comply with all current primary and secondary legislation and regulations related to sustainability, and to benefit communities through quality services, economic growth, environmental preservation, social participation and job creation.
- We will set sustainability goals and continuously improve our sustainability performance and minimize the impact of our activities on the planet.
- We will work to raise awareness of sustainability among our employees, guests, suppliers and the community.
Sustainable Procurement Policy
- We aim to adopt sustainability as a procurement principle to minimize the negative impact of our services on the planet and society, and to support sustainability efforts.
- In our operations, we prioritize the procurement of locally made and produced goods over imported products, except where necessary.
- When procuring services, we first consider working with local companies rather than multinationals.
- When purchasing equipment for our organization, we look for and give preference alternatives that are Energy Class A and/or use less energy.
- Building materials, textiles, chemicals, food, beverages, consumables, and all types of products and raw materials we purchase are evaluated based on the sustainability efforts and certifications of the products and suppliers.
- We prefer recycled or recyclable products in our procurement processes.
- We share our sustainability efforts with our suppliers and subcontractors.
Sustainability Human Resources Policy
- We aim to provide a fair, transparent, efficient, healthy and growth-oriented work environment with gender equality in accordance with the principle of equality and within the framework of ethical values, thus raising the awareness of each employee.
- We respect the opinions of all our employees and ensure their participation in our sustainability efforts.
- We fight against all forms of discrimination based on gender, language, race, age, physical-psychological conditions, socio-economic status, education, sex, ethnicity, religion, disability, vulnerable groups, etc.
- We evaluate employee performance and provide training and career planning opportunities to help them improve.
- We comply with all national and international laws and regulations regarding human resources and follow a fair compensation policy.
- We protect the personal data of our employees.
- We ensure that our employees benefit equally from all the social rights we offer at the facility.