Atatürk House Museums You Can Visit in Istanbul

The great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk, the founder of modern Turkey and our Republic, spent most of his life on the war fronts. Crowning his struggles with the Republic and revolutions, Atatürk often stayed in Istanbul both in the aftermath of the wars and after he became President of the Republic. During this time, Atatürk stayed in different houses, and these houses were turned into museums over time. Here are the Atatürk house museums you can visit in Istanbul!

Atatürk House Museum

The Atatürk House Museum, the first house that Gazi Mustafa Kemal Atatürk rented in Istanbul, is located on Süleyman Seba Street in Beşiktaş Akaretler. Atatürk, who brought his mother Zübeyde Hanım and his sister Makbule Hanım to Istanbul from Selanik during the Balkan Wars, rented the house for them in 1912. Zübeyde Hanım, Makbule Hanım, and his adopted son Abdurrahim Tunçak; they resided here for about 7 years. During the Balkan and First World Wars, Mustafa Kemal Atatürk stayed in this house when he left the front and came to Istanbul. The house where Atatürk's family stayed until 1919 was converted into a museum in 2010 by The General Directorate of Foundations.

Atatürk House Reform Museum

Atatürk, who went to Istanbul from the Syrian Front on November 13, 1918, stayed at Pera Palace Hotel for a while. Afterward, Atatürk stayed at the house of his close friend Salih Fansa and later rented Madam Kasabyan's three-storey house in Şişli. He took Zübeyde Hanım and Makbule Hanım with him from the house in Akaretler and allocated the third floor of his house to them. Staying on the second floor, Atatürk used the large hall of the house for his meetings and made the room facing the backyard his bedroom. He reserved the first floor of his house for his aide.

Atatürk, who stayed in this house on Halaskar Gazi Street until he moved from Beşiktaş Pier to Samsun on May 16, 1919, made his plan to go to Samsun in this house. The house, which was opened as a museum in 1943, was reorganized in 1981. Today, there are paintings about the Turkish War of Independence and photographs of Atatürk on the ground floor of the house. On the first and second floors, there are Atatürk's clothes and belongings, documents related to the reform, photographs of the years of the Turkish War of Independence, and documents and information about Atatürk. On the third floor, books about Atatürk, photographs about the reforms, and soil brought from the Anıtkabir in a jar are exhibited.

Florya Atatürk Marine Mansion

Atatürk loved the sea and had a special interest in the Florya region. For this reason, Istanbul Municipality had a mansion built 70 meters from the land in 1935 and presented the mansion to Atatürk. The pavilion was built on stilts planted on the sea bottom and was connected to the land by a wooden pier. Especially during his stay in Dolmabahçe Palace, Atatürk, who went to Florya Marine Mansion from Beşiktaş by motorbike, used this place as a summer residence.

Florya Marine Mansion, which hosted important invitations, was also frequently used by Atatürk for scientific meetings. Atatürk, who went swimming with the people here, visited his beloved mansion for the last time on May 28, 1938, a few months before he passed away. The mansion, which was also used by the presidents after Atatürk, came under the administration of the TBMM Department of National Palaces on September 6, 1988, and was repaired and turned into a museum.

Dolmabahçe Palace

Dolmabahçe Palace is the place where Atatürk not only lived but also walked into eternity. When he went to Istanbul, he was working there, holding meetings and hosting his foreign guests. Atatürk, who lived in Dolmabahçe Palace from time to time from 1927 to 1938, wrote “Nutuk” The Speech there.

The palace reflects a mixture of French Baroque, German Rococo, English Neoclassicism, and Italian Renaissance in its architecture; It was also used by İsmet İnönü after Atatürk. Dolmabahçe Palace is also important in that it is the place where citizens honor Atatürk every November 10th.

Atatürk's Museum Room

Challenging history with all its splendor and comfort, Pera Palace Hotel is famous for opening its doors to the world's important figures, as well as its elegance. One of the guests of Pera Palace Hotel, which hosted countless names, was the great leader Mustafa Kemal Atatürk. Atatürk, who stayed in room 101 of the hotel, preferred Pera Palace Hotel many times between 1917-1926, both to take decisions on behalf of our country and to host important guests. In addition to his personal belongings, books, magazines, signed photographs, and medals obtained from various auctions are exhibited in room 101, which was turned into a museum on the 100th anniversary of Atatürk's birth.


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