10 Masterpieces by Turkish Authors That Will Affect You Deeply

There are some works that embroider words not on the lines but also in our hearts! We have brought together for you the magnificent works that touch our hearts and deeply affect our being, written by the masters of Turkish Literature. These works, each one of them classic, win the admiration of readers with both their language and plots. Here are 10 masterpieces that will deeply affect you!


1. Orhan Pamuk - Masumiyet Müzesi (The Museum of Innocence)

The Museum of Innocence, a fascinating love novel written with stunning realism by our Nobel Prize-winning author Orhan Pamuk, is about a love that took place in Turkey in the 1970s and 1980s, which we can describe as somewhat obsession. Kemal, the protagonist of the novel, creates a museum by collecting the belongings of the woman that he has been in love with for years. Orhan Pamuk creates a real Museum of Innocence with these items in the novel and presents it to his readers.


2. Zülfü Livaneli – Serenad (Serenade for Nadia)

Serenade for Nadia is a magical story with a female protagonist. The work touches on different points of society from beginning to end and talks about historical realities masterfully. The events in the book begin with Maya, a Public Relations Officer at Istanbul University, meeting her professor from the USA. Livaneli brings an unforgettable work to Turkish Literature with its intertwined plot.


3. Sabahattin Ali – Kürk Mantolu Madonna (Madonna in a Fur Coat)

A magical work that is the subject of songs and theater plays! Madonna in a Fur Coat, one of Sabahattin Ali's most stunning works, is a portrait of a strong passion. The story of Raif Efendi, who encountered the owner of the face in the portrait he had been watching for hours and fell in love with her, reaches you with the impressive language of Sabahattin Ali. You feel the love in your heart on every page of the work. This work, written in 1943, touches on individual and social issues in a subtle language.


4. Oğuz Atay – Tutunamayanlar (The Disconnected)

Winner of the 1970 TRT Novel Award, The Disconnected focuses on the story of Selim, who has difficulty holding on to life. Touching on many concepts such as loneliness, love, death, loyalty, friendship, and trust, Atay fascinates the readers with this work of fictional biography. The work, which tells the birth of a liberal intellectual and the pains of existence, is outside the usual novel style. This book, which does not have a chain of events that drags the reader along, also contains the fiction of a novel within a novel. You should definitely add Atay's book The Disconnected, which is a very daring Turkish literature, to your library.


5. Reşat Nuri Güntekin – Çalıkuşu (The Wren)

Now it's time for one of our most important works in the development periods of Turkish Literature! The Wren deserves to be a masterpiece even as it is one of Atatürk's favorite books. In addition to being an exemplary character as a representation of a female teacher, the novel The Wren also emphasizes the confrontation between the Istanbul intellectual and Anatolia through the teacher Feride. Although the story seems to be about the heartbreak of a young girl on an individual level, it is extremely important in terms of revealing the troubles experienced in various regions of Anatolia. In this respect, it can be described as an Anatolian novel.


6. Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar – Huzur (A Mind at Peace)

The story of Mümtaz, who searches for the balance that will bring his peace throughout the novel, will draw you in! There are four different characters in this book written by Ahmet Hamdi Tanpınar. The common denominator of each character is that they dream of finding peace. In this work written in the middle of the 20th century, you will also witness the discomforting experience of the republican intellectuals in the midst of friendship, love, disease and social turmoil.


7. Yusuf Atılgan – Aylak Adam (The Idle Man)

How about meeting a story where the protagonist has no name? Our hero, known as C. throughout the novel, is a passive person who cannot adapt anywhere. Lost in search of meaning, C. has the financial income to survive without working and calls themselves "Idle". The work is about the urban idle intellectual individual and includes topics such as modernization and the social roles of men and women.


8. Halid Ziya Uşaklıgil - Aşk-ı Memnu (Forbidden Love)

Aşk-ı Memnu, one of the unforgettable works of Turkish Literature, is a novel that has been the subject of TV series and movies. The novel, which has a realistic-naturalist style, still remains popular even though it was published in 1901. The work, which emphasizes the inevitable impact of social and cultural structure on human behavior, is about a family adapting to Western life. The work is among the touchstones of Turkish Literature.


9. Halide Edip Adıvar – Sinekli Bakkal (The Clown and His Daughter)

Halide Edip Adıvar, one of the important female figures of the War of Independence, brought those days to us with unforgettable works. All of Halide Edip Adıvar's works are masterpieces, both because she is one of our female writers and because they shed light on the Atatürk Era. The Clown and His Daughter, which deals with the East-West conflict, examines social conflicts by using the love of Rabia, who had a religious education, for the Italian pianist as a symbol.


10. Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu – Yaban (Wild)

Wild deals with the adventure of Ahmet Celal, a reform intellectual who aimed to educate a village during the War of Independence. Celal, a war veteran, becomes the main element of the peasant-intellectual conflict while explaining the War of Independence to the public. Ahmet Celal, who tried to educate the public but became "wild" after his efforts, sheds light on the 1920s. Yakup Kadri Karaosmanoğlu has written a masterpiece that deals with the War of Independence with striking facts.


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