The concepts of leadership and management can be used synonymously in business life. However, although leadership and management are called similar concepts, they actually mean two different things. Every manager can be a leader, and leaders can be seen in managerial positions. But not every leader has to be a manager and not every manager has to be a leader. In order to perceive the differences between these concepts, it is necessary to understand both of these concepts first. So, what does leader and manager mean? What are the differences between these concepts? Let's explore the details of the concepts of leadership and management in business life together.


Who is the Leader?

Lider Kimdir

People who are seen as leaders inspire their colleagues by guiding them. Rather than showing themselves, leaders aim to put the institution they work for and their co-workers ahead of their competitors. Bringing together people who serve the same purpose, the leader manages the culture and change. Leaders do not have to hold positions in the business or institution they work for. So, someone's leadership is not measured by their title.


What Are the Characteristics of Leaders?

We can list the characteristics of leaders as follows:

Leaders are original.

They inspire confidence and inspiration.

They develop their teams.

They do the right things and always aim for the better.

They are forward-thinking.

They behave as they are.

They do not care about status.

They are always innovative.

They are consistent and positive.

They are confident enough to take responsibility.


Who is the Manager?

Yönetici Kimdir

Persons holding positions of management authority are referred to as "managers". Managers are found in schools, hospitals, public institutions, and many other lines of business. Managers who aim to manage their business institution in the best way act with the resources they have.


What Are the Characteristics of Managers?

We can list the characteristics of a good manager as follows:

Managers are always aware of their staff. They inspect and control their work.

They take responsibility for the decisions made.

They make critical decisions.

They convey their views to their employees.

They have the ability to think critically.

They can empathize.

They manage time effectively.

Analyze the events developing in business life and make inferences. They give feedback to their employees as a result of the inferences.

They motivate their teams.

They work result oriented.


What are the Differences between Leader and Manager?

As we mentioned at the beginning, although the words leader and manager are sometimes used as synonyms, there are actually some differences between these concepts:

While managers act as administrators, leaders follow innovations.

Both leaders and managers need to have vision. But leaders must also have the ability to create a vision. Leaders also inspire others through their vision.

While leaders create goals and programs in their companies, managers implement the prepared programs.

Leaders usually work on people, while managers focus on structure.

Managers set goals; Leaders create vision.

Proven skills are at the forefront for managers. Leaders rely on skills that shed light on growth and improvement.

While it is the leaders who shape the culture, the managers approve the shaped culture.

It is the leaders who shape the course of the business, while the managers measure the accuracy of the work.

Having leaders and managers with competent characteristics in a business is very important for the rise of that business. Therefore, although they have different roles, both leaders and managers are needed in business life.


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