Swipe, click, like. These three simple commands still retain their irresistible appeal. Notifications coming to our smartphones make it difficult to stay away from social media applications. These doors, designed to open to a different dimension of socialization, gradually make us all digital addicts. All research on this subject points to the harm caused by uncontrolled social media use. However, with the philosophy of digital minimalism, it is possible to use social media without breaking away from life. If you are uncomfortable with your time in front of the screen, you can change this situation today. Here are eight practical steps you need for healthy social media use.


1. Take a Closer Look at Your Social Media Apps

Just like every other product, social media applications come into fashion from time to time. When you look at your smart devices, you can see that there is more than one application. Start by determining how many of these apps you need. Then, delete any apps that are not worth your attention from your devices.


2. Limit Your Online Time

Daily life works within the time limit. We work at set hours, and we reserve set hours for ourselves. From this perspective, it may be easier to limit your use of social media. Instead of reaching for the phone in every spare moment, you can set a time interval for yourself. Even your smartphone can help you with this. You can limit your online time with the Digital Balance tools of both iOS and Android processors. You can close the applications at certain times or set a separate usage limit for each application.


3. Turn Off Notifications

When it comes to social media applications, we now know that the product is the user. This social dilemma, which is the subject of documentaries, requires us to make intelligent choices. Turn off notifications, so you don't let apps tempt you. Thus, applications can not manage you, and you can manage applications. You can also stay up to date by visiting the platforms you use in your online time.


4. Sign Out

With the "Remember Me" option, it is straightforward to access your social media accounts without a password. But logging out after each session gives you a pause the next time you visit. With this short but effective pause, you can think about why you want to access your social media account. Thus, you can make a conscious choice instead of automated control. This preference also slows down the social cycle that causes you to switch from one app to another.


5. Get Rid of the Filter Bubble with Less Likes

Social media algorithms quickly put our needs ahead of us. It is not a coincidence that you see an advertisement for a product you are looking for on the internet in social media applications. Similarly, these algorithms offer personalized content to our liking. In the beginning, it may be nice to encounter only the likes of the posts you like. However, exposure to only certain content narrows your perspective and reduces your tolerance for opposing views in the long run. Therefore, you can increase your chances of reaching original content by being stingy with pressing the like button.


6. Control Your Flow

You can use social media to distract yourself, reach your friends and share the fun. For this purpose, you can follow many accounts and see different posts. However, if you feel unhappy after spending time in an application, you should pay attention to what you are exposed to. Stop following accounts that bother you about the content, shape, and even style of the posts. Report accounts whose posts contain profanity, violence, sexism, and racism to the community management.


7. Prefer Oral rather than Written Communication

We're sure Alexander Graham Bell wouldn't have wanted to see his invention used as the telegraph. Nowadays, we use our smartphones for everything other than phoning. Preferring messaging applications instead of verbal communication prolongs the time we spend with the mobile phone. Not to mention getting lost in social media applications while waiting for a reply to the text message.


8. Take A Break From Time To Time

Even if you are a conscious user, social media can be tiresome in the long run. If you feel that your focus is shifting and you are losing control, you can do a social media diet. Unlike screen time restriction, a social media diet requires a break from social media use for a certain period. You can pause social media apps when you need to concentrate. You may even prefer to remove social media applications that do not directly affect your profession or private life for a while.


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