The Indispensable Traditions of Nevruz Holiday Heralding the Spring Season

Nevruz Holiday heralds the spring season when the snow melts, the weather warms up and the trees begin to bloom. Nevruz Holiday, which has a special meaning in Anatolian and Central Asian communities, includes many routines such as jumping over fires, painting eggs in colorful colors and cooking traditional dishes. Let's take a look at the special traditions of Nevruz Holiday, which emphasize the renewal of nature and togetherness.


A Brief Look at the History of Nevruz Holiday

The word Nevruz means "new day". Nevruz Holiday is accepted as the New Year by the Turks that are living in Central Asia, Anatolian Turks and Iranians. Nevruz Holiday consists of routines that are based on celebrating the arrival of spring and the awakening of nature in all these cultures. Celebrated on March 21st, when day and night are equal, Nevruz Holiday represents creation and resurrection for all beings.

Nevruz is a holiday that has managed to maintain its existence in different cultures and beliefs throughout the ages. In Iranian mythology, Nevruz Holiday is the date when God created the Earth, humans and the Sun. On the day when the great sultan of Iran, Kiyumers, ascended to the throne, Cem, the 7th grandson of Hz. Adem arrived in Azerbaijan and declared this day as a holiday. Nevruz is considered the birthday of Hz. Ali in the Alevi and Bektashi communities. During the Ottoman period, special odes called "Nevrûziyye" were presented to the sultans for Nevruz.


Indispensable Traditions of Nevruz Holiday

Representing the revival of life and nature, Nevruz Holiday is a show of respect and gratitude for all beings. Nevruz Holiday is shaped around the idea of ​​friendship, tranquility and a future that is full of hope. Traditions such as gathering around a fire, clinking colored eggs and preparing long tables during Nevruz Holiday ensure that the spirit of unity and togetherness is experienced joyfully. Here are the enthusiastic Nevruz Holiday traditions that strengthen social solidarity and bonds of love and symbolize the spiritual renewal of people.


A Means of Purification: Jumping Over the Fire

One of the indispensable traditions of Nevruz Holiday, which heralds the spring season, is jumping over the fire. This tradition is based on a routine that was performed by the Turkish communities in ancient times. People had a purpose of cleansing themselves and protecting themselves from diseases by jumping over the Nevruz fire that they had lit. This tradition, which is still continued today, is also believed to remove evil and negative energy.


The Symbol of Abundance: Large Nevruz Tables

A wide variety of dishes are served on large holiday tables that have become the symbol of Nevruz Holiday. Positive wishes for the new year are shared at these tables that set up for the new year to bring abundance and prosperity. Affluent tables that symbolize togetherness and sharing make this special day even more meaningful. Families and friends come together at these magnificent tables to enjoy the food and aim to make a hopeful start to the new year.


A Manisa Tradition: Mesir Paste

Mesir paste, a mixture that is unique to Manisa, contains many beneficial herbs. This paste was also distributed at feasts in the festivities called Nevrûziyye during the Ottoman period. Mesir paste is still prepared and distributed at Nevruz Holiday events that are held in Manisa today. 


A Magnificent Ritual: Riding a Horse

Riding a horse and performing various shows during Nevruz celebrations is one of the most exciting and magnificent rituals of this special day. Horse riding, a common activity in Central Asia, is an important tradition in Turkish culture. The tradition of riding a horse and organizing various shows on horseback still continues in Turkmenistan today. Dances that are performed by young people on horses, various competitions and exhibitions opened in tents increase the excitement of this special day.


For the Blessing of the New Year: Clinking Eggs

Eggs, which symbolize birth and productivity, are one of the indispensable elements of Nevruz Holiday. Children and young people wish for the New Year to bring abundance by clinking the eggs that they have painted for Nevruz Holiday. This event, which is carried out with great enthusiasm and happiness, symbolizes not only abundance but also social solidarity and togetherness.


Welcoming the New Year with Innovations

People who will welcome the new year clean their houses, repair damaged areas and whitewash if necessary. In this way, everything is renewed as they enter the new year. People who wear new clothes wake up early in the morning, wash with the first water of Nevruz and start the new year refreshed.